Lizzy Seeberg and Notre Dame's Phenomenal Year: Why One Alumnus Can't Cheer For Them

Melinda Henneberger, the sharp Washington Post columnist of "She The People," won't be cheering for her alma mater when they meet the University of Alabama in the college football championship game on January 7th. The reason is simple: Two of the athletes who will take the field and have contributed to ND's success this fall are suspects in sexual violence cases. Neither was charged, for reasons both Ms. Henneberger and myself believe were unrelated to the reality of what happened.I'm not a sports fan. But I like Notre Dame as I identify still as Catholic and have dear friends who are deeply decent, honorable alumni of this phenomenal, rightfully venerated institution. But along with Henneberger, my enthusiasm for their recent come-back has been stunted by the ugliness of what I know and what I can piece together from it. ND has made its choices, and has achieved what college football success it will from them. What consequences will or should follow, I am not nearly qualified to predict. 


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